
Cuneiform gestures

Cuneiform uses just five gestures: TAP and SWIPES UP, DOWN, RIGHT and LEFT.
It combines these in pairs to generate the characters. These gestures can be made anywhere on the screen - precision is not required. E.g. a gesture is recognised as “UP” simply if the vertical part of the swipe is larger than the horizontal and ends higher than it started.
You can also choose alternative modes which use taps to generate the gestures.
If, while you are learning Cuneiform, you want to switch to your previous keyboard use the small keyboard icon which appears when you are entering text. And the same icon to switch back to Cuneiform.
The gestures do not “draw” the characters (and gestures can be generated in many different ways - see Input Mode in preferences). However there are patterns which help learning:

a,e,i,o,u Vowels all start with a TAP °:

a is TAP °, TAP °
e is TAP °, RIGHT ⇨
u is TAP °, UP ⇧.
i is TAP °, DOWN ⇩
o is TAP °, LEFT ⇦

g, j, p, q, y Letters with a tail all start with an UP ⇧:

g is UP ⇧, LEFT ⇦
j is UP ⇧, TAP °
p is UP ⇧, RIGHT ⇨
q is UP ⇧, LEFT ⇦ (either in the second register or selected from suggestions shown with g).
y is UP ⇧, DOWN. ⇩

n, l, s, t Frequently used letters use a repeated gesture (along with a):

n is UP ⇧, UP ⇧
l is DOWN ⇩, DOWN ⇩
s is LEFT ⇦, LEFT ⇦
t is RIGHT, RIGHT ⇨.

b, d, f, m, r, v, z Where possible the gestures reflect the shape of the letter:

b is DOWN ⇩, RIGHT ⇨
d is DOWN ⇩, LEFT ⇦
f is LEFT ⇦, DOWN ⇩
m is RIGHT ⇨, TAP °
r is LEFT ⇦, TAP °
v is DOWN ⇩, UP ⇧
z is LEFT ⇦, UP ⇧.

c and k are a right pair:

c is RIGHT ⇨, UP ⇧
k is RIGHT ⇨, DOWN ⇩.

w and x are a crossed pair:

w is LEFT ⇦, RIGHT ⇨
x is RIGHT ⇨, LEFT ⇦.

Numbers in the second register:

0, 1, 2, 3, 4 are RIGHT then TAP, UP ⇧, DOWN ⇩, RIGHT ⇨ and LEFT ⇦ respectively.
5, 6, 7, 8, 9 are LEFT ⇦ then TAP, UP ⇧, DOWN ⇩, RIGHT ⇨ and LEFT ⇦ respectively.

Punctuation in the second register:

Period: TAP °, TAP °
Colon TAP °, UP ⇧
Semi-colon TAP °, DOWN ⇩
Comma TAP °, RIGHT ⇨
Question mark? TAP °, LEFT ⇦
Exclamation mark! DOWN ⇩, TAP °.